Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Madeleine L'engle

It's so strange. Luke and I just finished listening to A Wrinkle in Time on CD actually read by the author herself and then we discovered that she passed away on September 6th which was Luke's 8th birthday. We finished listening to the book right before she died. As a child, I never read A Wrinkle in Time. I always saw it in my school library, but I never checked it out. There was always something scary about the cover of the book. Okay, so I judge books by their covers. I admit it. Anyway, I always liked the title, but I never felt drawn to read it. Even in my limited school library, I overlooked this book and kept checking out Little House books. Well, now, I know the story and now, we've moved on to listen to the sequel (also read by Madeleine L'engle) , A Wind in the Door
which has an equally interesting title. Please check out Karen Edmisten's post on the Madeleine L'engle. May she rest in peace.

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