Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend in Review

I'm not really sure that this picture is from Easter weekend, but I'm sure I took this during Holy Week. I love Tess's expression!

Okay, this picture is out of order, but this is what I got from the Easter Bunny. After a long Lent with no new yarn, I was overjoyed to find new skeins Easter morning.
We went to the Easter egg hunt at our Parish which has become an annual tradition. This year, we were joined by my sister Kat, my niece Cecilia, nephew Mateo, The Allbrittons and the Seevers family. This is the first year that Sammy sat willingly with the Easter Bunny. In years past, Sam has either been in tears or Luke has sat without his brother in the photo. I'm glad to have all three this year.

Later, the boys put on very appropriate t-shirts for the egg coloring.

Here's little friend Ella joining in the egg-dying fun!

I boiled four dozen eggs this past weekend for coloring, potato salad and two dozen deviled eggs!

My niece Cecilia particularly joyful dying eggs
The kids are done with the eggs and Paul is surrounded!
Luke, Sammy, Tess, Ella and Evelyn

Here's Tessie with her bunny lovey from her first Easter basket!

Sam's already changed out of his matching shirt and put on his cape!

It usually snows on Easter and this Easter was no different. It was overcast when we took these pictures after mass.

Paul with the kiddos

Me with the kiddos- Look! Tess is smiling! Unfortunately, I'm wearing wool. It's never warm enough for Spring clothes on Easter. That's all! Have a wonderful Easter Week!

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