Friday, April 30, 2010

Seeing Double

I just wanted to announce that we're expecting!  I've been meaning to announce it for a while now, but I just haven't.  It's twins..identical twins due sometime in October. 
I'm still getting over the shock! No, there aren't any twins in my family.  When I had that first early ultrasound and was told that there were two babies, I'd like to say that my first thoughts were joy and thoughts of matching outfits.  No, my first thought was panic.  How many car seats can my minivan hold?  That's just one of the questions that flew through my mind in the space of seconds.  I knew in that moment that any hope that I  had had for a boring routine pregnancy were over.  As it stands, I now have three doctors and of course, I'm going to be monitored very closely.  I'm trying not to give into the anxiety, but it's difficult as I remember my pregnancy with baby Tess and how on several occasions, we thought we were going to lose her.  No, pregnancy isn't as easy as it used to be.  I've been exhausted for weeks now and I'm hoping that now that I've transitioned into the second trimester that I will start to feel somewhat normal again. 

I am extremely blessed even if I feel completely overwhelmed right now. 


Hallie @ Moxie Wife said...

Oh my goodness! How exciting!Congratulations!!! I'll be keeping you and two newest little ones in my prayers!

Sarah said...

Congratulations, Carmen! I am SO happy for you!! As a mother of twins (fraternal, and no twins in our family either), I can completely relate to ALL that you're feeling. That initial shock is indescribable, isn't it?! And the close monitoring, yes, yes ... If you ever want to "chat twins," just let me know =) You and your babies are in my prayers!

Sweetness and Light said...

WOW!!!! That IS a shock, and SO exciting!!! I will pray that your pregnancy goes well and that you're feeling great!! Much love,

Mary G said...

Yippeee Carmen ... do we know if they're girl twins or boy twins or what?

Yippee, yippee, yippee ... praying for a safe and wonderful pregnancy and delivery! (And for the first time, wishing I was back in Denver just so I could hold them when they arrive!)

Kerrie @ TFK said...

Yea! Congrats :)

The best way to describe early pregnancy is excitement and fear...but now x2! Good luck.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Congratulations! I am sure it was a shock but oh how exciting. And Identicals --how incredible that is! Praying for you dear.

Therese said...

What wonderful news Carmen. Prayers for a happy and healthy 9 months.

Kimberlee said...

Double congratulations! What wonderful exciting news! The Lord's generosity is amazing!