Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Madeleine L'engle

It's so strange. Luke and I just finished listening to A Wrinkle in Time on CD actually read by the author herself and then we discovered that she passed away on September 6th which was Luke's 8th birthday. We finished listening to the book right before she died. As a child, I never read A Wrinkle in Time. I always saw it in my school library, but I never checked it out. There was always something scary about the cover of the book. Okay, so I judge books by their covers. I admit it. Anyway, I always liked the title, but I never felt drawn to read it. Even in my limited school library, I overlooked this book and kept checking out Little House books. Well, now, I know the story and now, we've moved on to listen to the sequel (also read by Madeleine L'engle) , A Wind in the Door
which has an equally interesting title. Please check out Karen Edmisten's post on the Madeleine L'engle. May she rest in peace.

Taking a little break

We're headed to California tomorrow to visit some family in San Jose. I'm looking forward to a little change of scenery and a chance to see the Pacific Ocean again.
Right now, I'm doing a lot of last minute important things (like updating my blog) before we leave. Luke has his California bird book all packed and ready to go. He told me recently that he's a little tired of the American robins and Stellar's Jays in our yard. He wants to see new birds! Well, I hope he will get his wish! I'm hoping I can incorporate some nature study into this trip. We'll see how that goes. Anyway, I'll post some pics from our adventure next week!

I can't help taking these quizzes!

You Are 29 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

HT: Elizabeth

Monday, September 17, 2007


I've started to check out a lot of picture books from the library for Sammy. It has been so nice to get picture books again. Since Luke has gotten to be such a big boy, he has checked out more chapter books and way fewer picture books. I love picture books and I'm constantly delighted with the artwork and stories myself. There was a time when Luke would just keep handing me books to put in our bookbag while we were at the library. I would have to stop him when I hit 30 or so. Well, I especially love picture books that highlight nature or the changing of the seasons. I have been hugely influenced by this catalog over the years. Recently, I've read Tasha Tudor's Pumpkin Moonshine and Around the Year. In Pumpkin Moonshine, I had Sammy point to the pumpkin on each page. We just got A Time to Keep: The Tasha Tudor Book of Holidays . This book is just enchanting. The art work is beautiful and lovely. It inspires you. After reading this to Sammy, Paul suggested that we own this book. Now, let me tell you that my husband rarely tells me that we need more books, but I'm happy to oblige. After reading this book, I wanted to make my own candles and sing around the Christmas tree and make bundles of handmade Valentines. I think we're going to read this again as a family read aloud. I don't think you can get too old for this book or for the art of Tasha Tudor. Just like my recent fascination with Beatrix Potter I think there's a Tasha Tudor rabbit trail in our future!


I know that I have neglected my blog lately, but my mind has been elsewhere the past few weeks. We found out we were expecting in the beginning of August. I was completely happy and looking forward to another little one coming in April, but on Luke's 8th birthday, it was confirmed that our baby had died. I knew that things weren't going well. I was feeling too good and I never feel well when I'm pregnant. Usually, I'm pretty grossed-out by most foods and yet, this time I wasn't. I kept hoping and praying, but deep down I knew that something was wrong. I've never had a miscarriage before and it has been a strange experience. Of course I'm deeply saddened for this loss, but I am strangely accepting of it too. I know that God is in charge and that has been a comfort even when I was crying over our loss. Since then, I've kept up my routines for my family. I'm still trying to find our daily rhythm with our school time and trying to make sure there is joy in each day. Despite knowing that I will always feel that there is something missing I am still joyful and hopeful for the future.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The first day of school

Okay, so today was the first day of third grade for Luke. I like to begin school after Labor day. I always started school in September and I can't bring myself to start any sooner.

Well, I've spent a lot of time planning and thinking about what I wanted to accomplish this year and today we got off to a bumpy start. I really need to find my rhythm and I guess I can't expect it all to fall into place on the first day. As Sammy gets bigger, he becomes a bigger distraction for Luke. I really need to incorporate some learning activities for Sam as well.

Tomorrow, my little Luke will be eight years old. I can't hold back the years and I know every day my time with him grows shorter and shorter. Sometimes, I just look at him and try to capture the moment and hold onto it forever, but inevitably it fades.

Of course, tomorrow is a holiday from school since it's Luke's birthday. We'll start the day with cupcakes. Yes, I let Luke eat a cupcake for breakfast on his birthday. It's a fun little tradition. Then, we will head down the mountain to go to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Currently, they have the special exhibit on the Titanic. There are many artifacts from the ship to be seen. Paul is going to take a half day off and join us at the museum. I'm looking forward to it.